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Центр методической работы и информационных технологий в сфере образования

Социально-деловая среда Agartu


Дворец школьников

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"My mother is a teacher" эссе

"My mother is a teacher"

My mother's name is MukhametzhanovaArailymKadyrovna. She works in the school №2 of Leningradskoe, she is primary school teacher for 14years. I believe that my mother - a teacher by vocation. How to tell my grandmother, my mother always wanted to be a teacher. More to it any profession did not exist! She began to "teach" as a child, playing only in the "School". She said sit to their toys: dolls, teddy bears, bunnies and started lessons. She wrote for them in notebooks and put them only five.
After high school, my mother decided to go to study at a primary school teacher, my grandmother was strongly against her mother's choice of future profession, strongly discouraged. She said that teacher- profession is very difficult, thankless, and nervous, in general, work with child this punishment! But my mother never questioned the right choice of their profession. It was clear to his dream - to become a teacher.
After graduating The Kokshe Academy with honors, my mother came to work as a teacher of primary school in the school №2 in Leningradskoe, and where now  I study!
Teacher Job - not an easy profession, but my mother never regretted about the chosen path, even though there are different: and bewilderment, and frustration, and anger, and bitter resentment, mutual understanding and happiness, the joy of success, their victories and students.
Master - a tough job, especially as I have noticed in recent years. All day at school and even at home mom deals with school problems: abstracts, designs, preparation of classroom hours, interviews, competitions, events, work programs - but just not listed. I can see how much work and patience to invest in the work of my mother, which from small, naughty pranksters grew thoughtful, seeking its target young people. Mom long preparing for lessons: is presentation, ready-made templates, instructional card, crossword puzzles, the puzzles, looking for something educational material on the lesson topic, thinking that will develop and bring to class in their pupils, simultaneously holds an educational talk to me. Now mom teaches first-graders, and I see it every day prints card reading for different groups of students. In order to interest the kids, mom invented writing pictures- silhouettes with letters and their elements. I often hear my mother saying, "But what am I going to surprise my pupils tomorrow?".
Mom is trying very hard and all their knowledge and energy to bring the children, trying to give a piece of their heat each child. Relationships with pupils mom builds on mutual respect. Her distinguished extraordinary love for children, hard work, creativity, responsibility for each child, his fate. It is indifferent to the results of their work and the success of their students. Love and gratitude, and students are responsible mom. And, perhaps, no coincidence that graduates often visit her at school, and even come to visit our home. Over a cup of tea to talk about their problems and successes. I can see how my mother is happy for them, always interested in their fate after their school graduation.
Despite the fact that the mother teaches the children, she is constantly learning, improve her professional level: she attends courses, different seminars, read a lot of literature teaching, trying to keep abreast of new products training and education.
My mother has to work a lot of awards and letters of appreciation.I am proud of my mom, and my mom is proud of the fact that she - Teacher!


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