Меню KDT
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Центр методической работы и информационных технологий в сфере образования

Социально-деловая среда Agartu


Дворец школьников

Все новости

The anniversary of the gymnasium


Director of gymnasium Mukanova K.A congratulated all auditors this event and pitched on progresses of school. Between 1996-2016 years, 21 graduates of gymnasium finished school by sign «Altyn Belgi» , 31 pupils were named owners of the special type. 12 graduates educated abroad by state programme «Bolashak», in nowadays work in our independence country.


Educating generation of «Mangilik el», there are many teachers which for many years put their work in the development of our country. Seven of them were awarded by certificate of honor from Marat Tasmagambetov and 4 teachers from the head of the regional department of education, Sholpan Karimova . From the head of the city department of education Gulmira Karimova 7 teachers received certificate of honor and thanksgiving letters.
At the event was shown a video about life of the gymnasium from the beginning until today. Also, was shown a video about arrival of the head of state Nursultan Nazarbayev in our gymnasium in 1997.
At the event dedicated to the 20th anniversary of gymnasium, there were best wishes from the guests, such as Saiyn Shaimerden (relative of Safuan Shaimerdenov) , Zhangeldi Tazhin, the first director of gymnasium and others. Also there was shown a video with congratulations gram graduates.

For all audience was shown concert organized by pupils.

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